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Rooted in Justice: Indigenous Youth & the Green Job Revolution


Serena Mendizábal | Interim Managing Director | Sacred Earth Solar

Carole Monture | Climate Leadership Coordinator | Indigenous Climate Action

Janelle Lapointe | Council Member | SevenGen Energy

Aubrey-Anne Laliberte-Pewapisconias | ImaGENation Program Manager | Indigenous Clean Energy

Erin Blondeau | Writer & Communications Director | Climate Emergency Unit


In the 2024 Federal Budget, the government said that it will launch consultations on the development of a Youth Climate Corps. If won, the Youth Climate Corps would be an audacious program that would provide tens of thousands of young people with good green jobs to fight the climate crisis in their communities. It would provide meaningful work in renewable energy, ecosystem restoration, retrofits, emergency response, and community care work.

We know that Indigenous communities are both facing the brunt of devastating climate impacts caused by fossil fuels and colonialism, and at the leading edge of climate solutions like renewable energy projects, resisting new fossil fuel infrastructure, and reasserting their land and water rights.

So what will a Youth Climate Corps look like centering Indigenous Knowledge and leadership by Indigenous Nations at its core?

Join Indigenous climate justice leaders in conversation with the Climate Emergency Unit to collectively imagine the future of the Youth Climate Corps for Indigenous communities and how to achieve it.

July 25

National Call: Youth Climate Corps

August 28

Careers Workshop X Youth Climate Corps